- Provider/Entity is registered with Medicare - Pre-requisites
- Provider/Entity has Bulk Bill Rate selected in Location rates for each Active Location in Utilities - Entities - Locations (Active)
- Patient/Client has a valid/verified Medicare Card
- If the Provider/Entity is an Allied Health Provider or a General Practitioner, a Referral is not required
- If the Provider/Entity is a Specialist a current Referral is required unless an override is selected
- Date of Service (DOS) is not older than two years
- DCM will not process a Bulk Bill Claim if any of the above is not correct
- On transmitting the Claim, the Medicare Card is verified again based on the Date of Service (DOS)
- On generating the Invoice with the Rate Bulk Bill, a button labelled Bulk Bill appears on the sidebar to select
- Note the Fee equals the Benefit
- If the Billing Entity is a GP, the Fee is 100% of the Medicare Fee Schedule be it an In Room or In Hospital Service
- If the Billing Entity is not a GP, the Fee is 85% of the Medicare Fee Schedule for an In Room Service and 75% of the Medicare Fee Schedule for an In Hospital Service
- Right-click on the Item Description to select any Qualifiers that Medicare requires
- One invoice equals one claim
- Should the Claim not be transmitted from the invoice, as will be the case if feeding in from an upstream application, go to Regular Tasks - Online Claiming - Invoices not Claimed (x) and transmit/process from there
- Bulk Bill Claims are paid overnight
- This process can be automated
- Otherwise, go to Regular Tasks - Online Claiming and select the Get All BB/DVA button on the sidebar
- On getting the BB/DVA Payment details, and the Invoice is paid in full, the Invoice will be receipted, and the status of the Claim Status will change to Completed without staff involvement
Reports Available
- Should there be a difference in what was paid to what was claimed, the Claim Status will be Reports Available
- Right-click on the Claim and select Get Report for detail
- For BB and DVA you have the options of
- Accept Payment
- Resubmit Later
- Resubmit Now
- You can either use the toggle buttons at the top of the form or select from the drop down
- The reason for no payment above is due to the Service being previously paid (162 Reason Code)
- Accepting Payment and then selecting Complete on the sidebar will change the invoiced amount to what has been paid.
- In the example above, the invoiced amount will change to $0.00
- If monies have been paid, you need to Accept Payment and Complete to receipt the invoice
Resolving Issues
- Right-click and Go to Client or Go to Invoice and Resolve the Issues. There could be a missing Qualifier, eg: Not Normal Aftercare
- The above issue is Referral/Request details not supplied
- Resolve the issue and then either ...
- Resubmit Now resulting in the Claim being Resubmitted with a new Claim ID
- Resubmit Later resulting in the Claim being moved to the Claims to Resubmit section
Medicare Error Codes
Look up a Medicare reason code - Health professionals - Services Australia