- Provider/Entity is registered with Medicare - Pre-requisites
- Provider/Entity has Bulk Bill Rate selected in Location rates for each Active Location in Utilities - Entities - Locations (Active)
- Patient/Client has a valid/verified Medicare Card
- If the Provider/Entity is an Allied Health Provider or a General Practitioner, a Referral is not required
- If the Provider/Entity is a Specialist a current Referral is required unless an override is selected
- Date of Service (DOS) is not older than two years
- DCM will not process a Bulk Bill Claim if any of the above is not correct
- On transmitting the Claim, the Medicare Card is verified again based on the Date of Service (DOS)
- On generating the Invoice with the Rate Bulk Bill, a button labelled Bulk Bill appears on the sidebar to select
- Note the Fee equals the Benefit
- If the Billing Entity is not a GP, the Fee is 85% of the Medicare Fee Schedule for an In Room Service and 75% of the Medicare Fee Schedule for an In Hospital Service
- If the Billing Entity is a GP, the Fee is 100% of the Medicare Fee Schedule be it an In Room or In Hospital Service
- Right-click on the Item Description to select any Qualifiers that Medicare requires
- One invoice equals one claim
- No need to batch as should the invoice have any issue; you only have to resolve this one. If batching and one invoice has an issue, you cannot complete the batch until the issue is resolved.
- Bulk Bill Claims are paid overnight
- This process can be automated
- Otherwise, go to Regular Tasks - Online Claiming and select the Get All BB/DVA button on the sidebar
- On getting the BB/DVA Payment details, and the Invoice is paid in full, the Invoice will be receipted and the status of the Claim Status will change to Completed without staff involvement
- Should there be a difference in what was paid to what was claimed, the Claim Status will be Reports Available.
- Right-click on the Claim and select Get Report for detail. Options are:
- Accept what has been paid resulting in what was invoiced updating to what was paid
- Right-click and go to Invoice and Resolve the Issues. There would be a missing Qualifier, eg: Not Normal Aftercare
- Resubmit Later resulting in the Claim being moved to the Claims to Resubmit section
- Resubmit Now resulting in the Claim being Resubmitted with a new Claim ID
Medicare Error Codes
Look up a Medicare reason code - Health professionals - Services Australia