Patient details must be verified to allow for online claiming with Medicare, DVA and Health Funds.
- The first nine numbers of the Medicare Card number must be entered into DCM in order to Verify. If you do not have the Medicare Card number, you can search for it on HPOS
- On verifying in DCM, the tenth digit may update along with the Family's Position on Card
- On verifying DVA details in DCM, no detail needs to be entered
- The DVA number and the card type are returned
- There are three types of DVA health cards
- Veteran Gold Card that covers all conditions
- Veteran White Card that covers treatment for accepted service-related injuries or conditions, as well as all mental health conditions, and
- Veteran Orange Card that is issued to veterans' family member and cover any prescription medicines, wound care items and nutritional supplements at a concession rate.
Health Funds
- DCM verification with Health Funds, verifies that Client details are correct with their private health insurer only and they hold hospital level cover
- Prior to any Procedure, you should carry out an Eligibility Check to get an estimate of out-of-pocket expenses for the hospital stay, prosthetics and miscellaneous items
- Use the OEC function to give the patient enough information for them to give informed financial consent
- You can submit an eligibility check for:
- anticipated admission date that is up to 12 months in the future
- emergency admission that was up to 7 days in the past
- If you submit an eligibility check for an admission date well into the future, you should check again before admitting the patient. This will pick up any changes in benefits that may impact on the client's out-of-pocket expenses
- You are not required to submit an online eligibility check for DVA claims
Verify patient eligibility with ECLIPSE - Health professionals - Services Australia