From the Client Transactions section, the following can be generated and managed. Some can be easily generated from the right-click menu on the List and Calendar View
- IFC (Informed Financial Consent), aka Estimate or Quote (the term Quote is not recommended for estimating the cost of medical procedures as detail and fees can easily change)
- Prepayments
- Invoices
- Receipts
- Refunds
- Write-offs
The default view in the Transactions tab shows all Incomplete Transactions
- IFCs yet to be converted to Invoice
- Prepayments not allocated to Invoice
- Invoices with balances outstanding
- Unallocated Receipts
The Client Record can be maximised to full screen for ease of management.
- To view Completed Transactions, select Show Completed
- To view Deleted Invoices, select Show Deleted Invoices
- To view All Transactions, select Show All