DCM and Xero Setup, and Export from DCM to Xero.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Xero doesn't have the option of Backup and/or Restore. Be very careful when exporting from DCM and ensure you are double checking your workflow to ensure no errors in Xero. DCM Support will not be able to help you with a restore of data from Xero if errors occur. Possibly contact Xero for support but a warning, they do not have the Backup and/or Restore function available in their software.
Information regarding Public and private key cryptography and Guid's (Globally Unique Identifiers): What is a public key certificate? (techtarget.com), What is GUID? (techtarget.com).
DCM Client Setup in Xero
- Go to http://app.xero.com and log in with your Xero account details
- Select My Applications
- Click Add Application
- Select Private App
- Under 'Application Name' type DCM
- Select the organisation/file you want DCM to link to
- Copy the public key below (IN BOLD), and paste to the field X509 Public Key Certificate OR upload the cer file provided by us
- Click Save
- Copy your Consumer Key on the right-hand side under OAuth Credentials (you may have to click 'Show' first), then select the text and copy
- In DCM ensure you have selected Xero as the Accounting Application in Utilities - Configure - Interfaces
- Then in Utilities - Entities - (Entity) - Locations - Accounting Link
- Paste the Consumer Key (which you copied in step 9) in the XERO Guid field
- Select 'Connect'
- Once connected, select the Undeposited Funds / Bank Account and the Prepayment Liability Account (you may have to add this account to XERO - log into my.xero.com.au)
- Select Apply
- Select Save
Setup Xero in DCM
- In DCM, go to Utilities - Configure and select Intergrations tab on the left side
- Click on the Xero button and press Save then Close buttons
- Under Utilities - Entities - Select the Entity by double clicking to open the form
- Go to Locations (Active) tab - Select Locations to Edit (ensure you are on the correct provider location in this field)
- Go to the Tabs underneath your chosen Location/Provider number (which will be for that Location/Provider number only) and click on the Accounting Link tab
- You will see a pop-up form to enter your Xero credentials. If it does not appear, you may click on the Connect! button to launch the form
- Once you have entered your credentials and if you have Multi-factor Authentication set up, you may need the authenticator app to login. You may download this on your mobile device you registered your account with
- If you do not have access to your authenticator app, you may send the authentication code to your backup email address. You can do this by clicking on the 'Use another authentication method' link
- Select backup email address and send code
- Click on Send code
- Select the organisation you have set up in your Xero account
- Click on Allow access for 30 minutes
- You are now connected. Please ensure you have Enable Export ticked
- If you have more than one location for the entity you have selected, you may click on the Apply to all Locations button
- Click the Save button to save
Export to Xero
It is recommended that you backup your accounting file before exporting data to it. Go to Utilities Backup Database (as you usually would) then you will be ready to Export once this is complete.
Variety of options to choose when exporting from DCM to Xero with further options to drill down on data to select. The most common export is through Regular Tasks - Export (export form). This form has a note at the top of the screen to remind you to backup prior to exporting data. The other way which allows you to drill down and select certain files in bulk is through Regular Tasks - Transactions - Find Transactions (explained further in options below).
Transactions that DCM can export to Xero
- All
- Invoice
- Invoices - Held
- Prepayment
- Receipt
- Refund
- Write Off
Export up to a certain date
- Go to Regular Tasks - Export - Select your entity or leave it as the default All. This will bring through all entities
- Select the date you wish to export up to
- Press Today button to start the export to Xero from DCM
Export date range only
- Go to Regular Tasks - Transactions - Find Transactions
- Select the Transaction Type All or one of the other choices if you want a specific type only
- Select the From Date and To Date and press the Search button. If you want all Transactions up until a certain date, untick the From Date box and it will pull everything prior to the date chosen
- Once data has loaded, you will notice a green tick in the ExportRequired row that means it has not been exported over and is required. Untick what you do not want to be exported
- Go to Regular Tasks - Export and follow the steps above, any data selected with the green tick in your Search Transactions view will then be exported
Export, selected transaction data only
- Go to Regular Tasks - Transactions - Find Transactions
- Select the Transaction Type, Entity or leave blank if you want all Entities included, and Date Range
- Select Search button
- Once data has loaded, drill down on the data by using the filter options, just under the heading of each column, click on the filter then type what you are looking for
- You will notice a green tick in the ExportRequired row that means it has not been exported over and is required. Untick what you do not want to be exported
- Right click on the top of the columns to click and drag and set your grid to your own needs, right click on the heading > column chooser to remove (click and drag) or add other headings
- Go to Regular Tasks - Export and follow the steps above, any data selected with the green tick in your Search Transactions view will then be exported