Before you commence entering setup detail, take time to plan and consider your needs. Needs will vary depending on your discipline (Hospital, Allied Health Provider, Oncologist, Specialist, General Practitioner, etc)
System Requirements
- Are you installing locally (organising your own server and workstations) or are you installing on a hosted server (cloud based)?
- Ensure you meet DCM specifications
- You have read and agreed to the DCM Service Licence Agreement
Business Details
You have on hand ...
- Business Name
- ABN and ACN
- System ID / Minor Location ID (provided by us)
- Business Contact Details
- Logo
- What Locations will you be working from
- Location Specific Provider Number (LSPN) and Equipment IDs (If Radiation Oncology)
- Facility Type and ID if Hospital
Business Details are entered in Utilities - Business Details
Data Migration
We endeavour to migrate data from other applications at no cost. However, this needs to be assessed and confirmed.
Entities in DCM can be people, places or equipment. They can be billing (Doctors, Hospitals) and non-billing (Theatres, Rooms, Clinics).
Details required to setup Billing Entities are:
- Provider Number/s and Location/s
- Facility ID if a Hospital
- Registered with Medicare Online
- Registered with Health Funds
- Appointment Types and duration
- Schedule and Availability
- Non-MBS Item Codes for billing
- Health Fund Contracts on hand if a Hospital
- Standard Procedures
- Informed Financial Consent Layout and other Word Templates
Entities are setup in Utilities - Entities.
On setting up Non-Billing Entities you can allocate the Entities providing the services so that on invoicing you can select the correct Provider.
Decide the various user roles for your staff and doctors before turning on password CONTROL
SMS with RedOxygen
Consider setting up SMS to confirm appointments and other tasks
Remittance options on invoices / Payment Methods
Let us know the Payment Methods you would like on your Remittances for Invoicing. Consider contacting for an online EFTPOS feature instead of paying for an EFTPOS terminal on your desk. We also recommend that you setup BPAY for better tracking of Direct Deposits.
Integrate with other applications, if applicable
If wanting to integrate with other applications (eg: MYOB or XERO), let us know.