There are several ways to manage Reminders/Recalls in DCM depending on your needs:
- Option One - Just make an actual appointment in the future
- Option Two - Client Clinical Module - Reminders/Recalls
- Option Three - Create a Recall Letter now with Communication Date as date due and manage via Regular Tasks - Communications, or
- Option Four - Add a non-billing entity called Recall List and use this
Option One
The easiest way to manage recalls is to simply make an actual appointment. Normal workflow of confirming appointments will ensure patients are 'recalled'.
Option Two
Setup Reminders/Recalls
- Go to Utilities - Lookups - Clinical - Reminder Types and add the types of reminders. For example
- Annual Diabetic Check
- Colonoscopy
- Skin Check
- 3 Month Recall
- Then in Utilties - Autotext and Templates you can create the various templates to use
- Item codes can be associated with the reminder so that on invoicing from the resulting appointment, the invoice will auto populate
Add a Reminder/Recall
- Right-click on the appointment in either calendar or list view and select Clinical - Reminders/Recalls, or
- Go to the Client Record - Clinical - Reminders/Recalls - Add
- Enter the relevant details and select a Reminder Template
- Close and Save
- Double click to open
- Right-click to view options
Manage Reminders/Recalls
- Go to Regular Tasks - Reminders/Recalls
- Listed are all Reminders not finalised
- Filter by Entity, Communication Type, Reminder Status Reminder Type and Date Range
- Select Send All SMS to send SMS
- Select Send All Emails resulting in Outlook launching populating detail in emails for you to check and send
- Select Print to batch print (to come)
Option Three
- Create the recall letter now. This can later be posted, emailed, sms a link to download or faxed. You can setup as many recall templates as you require or use Insert - Autotext to populate the relevant detail
- You may choose to allocate to the Provider or to a Recall List Entity
- On closing the letter, change the Communication Date to the date the recall is due ensuring that the dd is 01 (01/09/2019)
- Communication Type can be Recall Letter
- Communication Status can be To be Recalled
- Document Name can be overtyped
- Then each month go to Regular Tasks - Communications
- Select the Entity if managing per Entity
- Select the Status: To be Recalled
- Ensure you have the filter on (CTRL+F) and change the Date of Communication Filter to Greater than the 1st of the month resulting in all future recalls being listed, or use the Between filter to only list recalls due in that month
- Manage individually, or select all
- Right-click to
- SMS a link
- Upload to the Client Portal
- Open the Client Record
- Review the Letter
Option Four
For those who want to setup a separate recall list, you can do so by completing the following:
Setting up Recalls in DCM is quick and easy and allows you to see at a glance who needs to be contacted and when for a future visit.
- Setup a non-billing Entity in DCM called Recall List
- Setup a Calendar in Outlook called Recall List (Optional if using the Direct CONTROL Outlook Addin)
- Setup the Recall Appointment Types in DCM (e.g.: Recall 6 months, Recall 1 Year, Recall 2 Years).
If a patient is to be recalled in 6 months, select the Recall Calendar and go to the month prior. We suggest you use the first Monday of each month.
Make a DCM appointment for that patient selecting the relevant Appointment Type (e.g.: Recall 6 Months)
Depending on your work policy, setup reminders in Outlook to contact patients for recall. Go to the Recall Calendar in either Outlook or DCM to see the list of patients that you need to contact.
Note: if you have installed the RedOxygen Outlook SMS Addin, you can easily send SMS reminders should you want to.
In making the actual appointment, you have two options:
- Make a ‘new’ appointment leaving the recall appointment in place to note under ‘duty of care’ that you did this or
- Edit and Reschedule the recall appointment to now be the actual appointment (edit date and time)