Word documents are used to generate documents and forms that are saved to Client Communications.
Go to Templates (Word) – Direct CONTROL Medical (DCM) to view how to work with templates and bookmarks.
Informed Financial Consent Templates
- IFCs aka Estimates are Word documents/templates that you can customise to suit your needs.
- You need to have an understanding on file types (.doc, .docx, .docm) ... Tell me more?
- There are three IFC templates saved in \\DirectCONTROLServerFiles\Templates\IFC folder
- Each include the [IFC_Items] bookmark that must not be edited or deleted
- Depending on the Benefit selected on the IFC, the relevant IFC template will be used
- In Room
- In Hospital
- Medicare Schedule
- The IFC Document Name, to include its file type extension, needs to be entered here in Utilities - Lookups - General - Benefit Level. If this is not correct, you will receive the error that the file cannot be found
Entities Customised Templates
- Entities can have their own customised IFC layouts
- To use Entities customised layouts, they are saved to \\DirectCONTROLServerFiles\Templates\IFC\Entity Name. This path then needs to be entered in Utilities - Entities - Locations(Active) - (Location) - Other