- Current and Past Medications to include Vaccinations are listed here
- Prescriptions can be generated from here. However, it is preferrable they are generated from Progress Notes during consultation thus recorded in both
- This section can be quickly accessed by right-clicking on the Client/Patient in either List or Calendar View and selecting Clinical - Medications
Add a Medication
- Select Add on the sidebar
- Custom Medications and MIMS Medications can be added
Generate a Prescription
- Select Prescription on the sidebar
- This launches the script pad and alongside on the left is the Medication form to select Custom Medications, Favourites, Favourite Sets and MIMS with MIMS being the default as long as the Provider has a subscription and has setup detail in Provider Setup – Direct CONTROL Medical (DCM)
- Medications can be searched by Active Ingredient or Drug Name
About active ingredient prescribing | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
- Commence typing the Active Ingredient or Drug Name
- Select PBS on the sidebar to access PBS online
- Select Product Info on the sidebar to view and print Product Information
- On selecting the Medication, Dose and Form populates
- Select Frequency (mandatory)
- Select Food and/or Region (Optional)
- Select Emergency Supply to generate
- With ePrescriptions, only one medication can be transmitted at a time. DCM will allow you to prescribe multiple Prescriptions by selecting Add on the sidebar of the Medication form. On transmitting, they will be sent individually to eRx
- Select Close and Save
- Select Print to print to PrePrinted Stationery. You will have the option of transmitting to eRx
- Select eRx to transmit the ePrescription
- Select Email or SMS to send the QRCode to the patient
- Select Print Paper Token to print and hand to the patient
- This is a printed prescription that has been transmitted to eRx
- Details of the Prescription are automatically saved to the Progress Note