- Here is a document for your reference ECLIPSE Online Hospital Claiming User Guide (servicesaustralia.gov.au)
- Also visit Provider Resources | Private Healthcare Australia (PHA)
- You have completed the necessary paperwork for Medicare
- You have informed the Health Funds that you will be transmitting In Hospital Claims
- Go to Contact Management – Insurers/Companies and select Get Participant Services on the sidebar. This will pull down any missing Health Funds from your list and update the Participant/Fund Brand IDs as well as the Services the Fund provides
- Private Health Insurers’ functions and contact details - Simplified Billing and ECLIPSE - Services Australia and also the AHSA Fund list at Fund List - AHSA
- You have the 3M Grouper installed to return the DRG. DCM integrates with the 3M Grouper and 3M CodeFinder. Contact support@directcontrol.com.au
- Consider onscreen signing of the National Private Patient Hospital Claim (NPPHC)form. Recommend you purchase a WACOM sign pad for onscreen signing of the NPPHC and DVA forms. Some DCM clients are using iPads and Surface Laptops. The NPPHC is saved to the Client’s record in Communications for future reference if required. No need to print and scan
- Ensure that business details, business locations and non-MBS Item Codes are setup before setting up the Hospital (Billing Entity) and Theatres (Non-Billing Entity)
- Ensure detail is setup and Health Fund Contracts are entered