Setup Portals – Direct CONTROL Medical (DCM)
- For a Provider to access their Portal, their Role in Utilities - Team Management must be Entity
- The Provider will be provided with a URL that they can save as an icon to their iPad and/or phone home screen for easy access
- On logging on they are prompted for their Username and Password
- The Direct CONTROL Medical logo can be replaced with your organisation's logo
- Once connected, they are taken to today's date listing appointments for the day
- There are two views being Calendar and List view. The Calendar view is the quicker to load
- Appointments can be viewed, and new appointments can be added by using the Search field at the top
- The Appointment form details
- Client/Patient name
- Gender and Age
- Date of Birth
- Appointment Type
- Insurer
- Estimated IFC and Out-Of-Pocket (OOP)
- Client Alerts
- Client Files
- Client Notes
- Appointment Status
- Date and Appointment Time
- Select the Calendar to view other days
- There is a green dot on the days with appointments
Client/Patient Details
- Click on an Appointment to view and edited. Some DCM Clients choose to disable editing in DCM Utilities - Configure - Portals - Provider Portal
- Details that can be viewed or edited are
- Personal details and demographics
- Insurance details that can be verified
- GP and Contact
- Alerts, Files and Notes can be viewed and added
- Select Portal to go to the Client/Patient Portal
- Select Procedure to enter detail of the procedure or update the detail should an IFC have been created
- On selecting Calculate, an Invoice is created with the status of HELD. This is displayed in the List View of the DCM Desktop App for staff to confirm all is correct prior to issuing. IFCs and direct claiming can also be generated from the Provider Portal, although, not recommended as best staff confirm all is correct prior to invoicing/claiming.
Provider Notification
The next release of the Provider Portal will include a Notification Icon to inform the Provider there are notifications and/or communications to view. Communications could include the Provider's Financial Reports if they do not have direct access to DCM. Ideal for Billing Agents.